Webster Technique
Pregnancy puts a mother’s body through all kinds of stress. The pelvis tilts, ligaments stretch, and mom’s center of gravity shifts forward with all of the additional weight gained. Misalignments (Vertebral Subluxations) where the sacrum joins the pelvis (hip) can be quite common during the course of pregnancy. Besides potentially interfering with the baby assuming the normal head-down position in preparation for delivery, subluxation can produce a variety of symptoms in mothers.
Some specific symptoms pregnant mothers may experience include, but are not limited to:
Exhaustion/Low Energy
Low Back Pain
Just as chiropractic techniques vary from one office to the next, they also vary from one population to another. Chiropractic for pregnant mothers is quite different from any other population. Dr. Kevin is certified and proficient in the Webster technique – a Chiropractic technique designed to relax the pelvic ligaments and keep mom’s sacrum and pelvis in proper alignment for a healthy birth. Often times moms report shorter delivery times and less labor pains after being under chiropractic care throughout their pregnancy.
The Webster Adjustment relaxes surrounding ligaments and reduces the sacral vertebral subluxation to help restore more normal function during such a vital time in a mother's life as baby develops. This is exactly why chiropractic care is essential for pregnant moms.